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飞牛影视于2024-08-14已收录播放页面地址 https://www.hzshpcls.com/hey/94370.html完整无删减版《探寻完美的人类饮食》上映于 2012 年(美国),《探寻完美的人类饮食》是由C.J. Hunt 导演执导,由C.J. Hunt等领衔主演得《探寻完美的人类饮食》,影片(剧)类型为电影,对白语言为英语。

《探寻完美的人类饮食》剧情简介:"The Perfect Human Diet" is an unprecedented global exploration to find a solution to our epidemic of overweight obesity and diet-related disease - the #1 killer in America. The film bypasses current dietary group-think by exploring modern dietary science, previous historical findings, ancestral native diets and the emerging field of human dietary evolution; revealing for the f...

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