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飞牛影视于2024-08-17已收录播放页面地址 https://www.hzshpcls.com/hey/94807.html完整无删减版《地平线系列:雪崩引发致命暴风雪》上映于 2018 年(英国),《地平线系列:雪崩引发致命暴风雪》是由迈克尔·拉赫曼 导演执导,由Danielle George等领衔主演得《地平线系列:雪崩引发致命暴风雪》,影片(剧)类型为电影,对白语言为英语。

《地平线系列:雪崩引发致命暴风雪》剧情简介:In March 2018 an international team of scientists gathered in a remote valley in the Canadian Rockies to conduct a unique experiment - to attempt to see into the heart of a massive avalanche to see if we can find ways to save lives in the future. Avalanches kill hundreds of people every year. Even in the UK 25 people have been killed by these forces of nature since the year 200...

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